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In Conversation With Hollie Azzopardi

On one of those perfect Sydney mornings (you know, the skies clear, the ocean refreshing & you think 'how is this even a city'), we met with total ray of sunshine Hollie Azzopardi. Our plan was to show some of our favourite pieces from the Nomadé collection on a woman with a body shape like so many of our customers, and what was a fun morning down at our local Freshwater Beach ~ turned into coffee, chats and lots of laughs. This woman is really something! The ultimate #kivarigirl...

Hollie, tell us ~ what do you do?

I'm a body image advocate, I run programs for girls called My Body, My Home & it's all about loving the your body! I also co-host a podcast called @the_middle_podcast & I'm a model. 

Location ~ Northern Beaches, Sydney 

Your favourite weekend away ~  Byron Bay, always. (How convenient both locations have a KIVARI boutique!) 

We're in the car with you, what song/podcast is playing? ~

At the moment I've been playing the "This is Taylor Swift" Playlist on Spotify (don't judge me, I'm a tragic fan!). Otherwise, I'm often listening back and reminiscing on old eps. 

Tell us, how do you spend your days? ~ 

At the moment my days start with meditation, journaling, a reformer pilates class and a smoothie. From there it’s a mixed bag of options - anything from heading off to a casting, to recording a new podcast ep, to sitting with my team and planning our next business move (I’m also a motivational speaker and run online programs focused on body positivity). I squeeze in an ocean dip or beachside stroll when I can,  and always ‘switch off’ at the end of the day with my second meditation, and cuddles with my husband and two bulldogs. 

What do you think is the most important message for women, in 2020? ~ 

That it is okay to be seen and heard in whatever way feels true for us. Historically women have been shut down, and told to be quiet or hide themselves, from a place of being “too much”. I hope that 2020 is the year women realise their innate wisdom, power and beauty. We need more female leaders rising - and the only way this will happen, is for us to start owning our worth and our power, and loving ourselves as we are. 

What is your fave piece from the latest KIVARI Collection ~

I LOVE the Zafari Playdress, the little ties at the waist are genius & I'm obsessed with all the mini-dresses. 

Finally, what are you most excited about for 2020? ~ 

To me, 2020 Symbolises a whole new decade of possibility. I reflect on everything that happened in my life last decade - there was a LOT of milestones and joy and adventure -  and that potential stepping into 2020, of ‘what could be’ really excites me. 2020 feels like hope, opportunity and dreams being realised. That really inspires me.

Hollie wears ~ 
Mahli Floral Midi Slip Dress 
Stella Cami & Zafari Mini Skirt 
Mahli Floral Frill Mini 
Valley Floral Maxi Dress 
Camille Flutter Blouse (and own skirt) 
Camille 3/4 Sleeve Blouse (and own swimmers)







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